Bestmed Medical Scheme : A Culture of Care
With comprehensive and competitive healthcare strategies that are leading South Africa’s medical aid industry, Bestmed Medical Scheme is a titan in preventative care. Principal Officer and CEO, Leo Dlamini tells us more.
Shepherd Center : Extraordinary Care for Extraordinary Outcomes
Providing world-class clinical care for complex conditions like spinal cord and brain injuries, Shepherd Center is a vital pillar of rehabilitation care. Vice President of Research and Innovation Deborah Backus tells us more.
Federchimica Assobiotec : Italian Biotechnology Industry Spotlight
The biotechnology industry in Italy is one of the most innovative in the world, having a major influence on the global bioeconomy.
Medical Teams International : Restoring Health and Wholeness
We talk to the CEO of Medical Teams International, Martha Holley Newsome, about going above and beyond in providing humanitarian support.
Xanitos : The Aid to Saving Lives
In conversation with Dave Crothall, CEO of Xanitos, we learn how the company is driven by leadership, dedication and having an impact on patient care.