Lucy Pilgrim

Lucy Pilgrim is an in-house writer for Healthcare Outlook Magazine, where she is responsible for interviewing corporate executives and crafting original features for the magazine, corporate brochures, and the digital platform.
Deputy Head of Editorial
15 Healthcare Articles

Bestmed Medical Scheme : A Culture of Care

With comprehensive and competitive healthcare strategies that are leading South Africa’s medical aid industry, Bestmed Medical Scheme is a titan in preventative care. Principal Officer and CEO, Leo Dlamini tells us more.

Cameron LawrenceLucy Pilgrim

Shepherd Center : Extraordinary Care for Extraordinary Outcomes

Providing world-class clinical care for complex conditions like spinal cord and brain injuries, Shepherd Center is a vital pillar of rehabilitation care. Vice President of Research and Innovation Deborah Backus tells us more.

Healthcare TeamLucy Pilgrim

Federchimica Assobiotec : Italian Biotechnology Industry Spotlight

The biotechnology industry in Italy is one of the most innovative in the world, having a major influence on the global bioeconomy.

Medical Teams International : Restoring Health and Wholeness

We talk to the CEO of Medical Teams International, Martha Holley Newsome, about going above and beyond in providing humanitarian support.

Healthcare TeamLucy Pilgrim

Xanitos : The Aid to Saving Lives

In conversation with Dave Crothall, CEO of Xanitos, we learn how the company is driven by leadership, dedication and having an impact on patient care.

Healthcare TeamLucy Pilgrim