Medical Devices

The medical device sector is advancing with breakthroughs in minimally invasive technology, wearable health monitors, and AI-assisted diagnostics. Healthcare Outlook examines companies improving patient care through cutting-edge design, enhanced functionality, and regulatory compliance.

Latest Medical Devices Corporate Stories

Radiometer : A Legacy of Innovation

Radiometer is focused on providing best-in-class solutions to support caregivers into the future. We speak to Moira Ellie Jimba, General Manager of South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa, about the company’s fascinating history in the medical industry and discover the details of its present day excellence.

Cameron LawrenceEd Budds

Switch Health : Care From Anywhere

Facilitating accessible healthcare across Canada by leveraging modern-day technological conveniences, we revisit Switch Health, whose CEO, Marc Thomson, enlightens us on its latest innovations.

Healthcare TeamLucy Pilgrim

Varex Imaging : Making the Invisible Visible

As a leading innovator, developer, and manufacturer of X-ray imaging component solutions worldwide, Varex Imaging has an expansive history of pioneering technological innovation. We speak to Mark Jonaitis, Senior Vice President and General Manager of X-ray Sources, to learn more.

Healthcare TeamLauren Kania

Revolutionary Roll-Out Of Innovative Diabetes Treatment

The NHS recently announced the nationwide roll-out of an innovative diabetes treatment, designed to automate insulin management and sustain healthy blood glucose levels. We learn how this can transform the lives of people who suffer from type 1 diabetes

Lily Sawyer

Moog Medical : Life-Enhancing Performance Pumps

Delivering life-enhancing performance in infusion therapy and enteral feeding systems, we discuss the impact that Moog Medical has on the lives of patients with Vice President and General Manager, Mike Henderson.

Healthcare TeamJack Salter

Hardy Diagnostics : Improving Health Together

Employee ownership has fostered a highly motivated “culture of service” at Hardy Diagnostics. President, Jay Hardy, discusses disease diagnosis and prevention

Healthcare TeamJack Salter