Realising a Remote Future for Healthcare

Ed Budds
Ed Budds - Editor
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For healthcare, the future is bright as the industry continues to embrace and explore remote patient monitoring. Here’s how Untitled Kingdom leads the way.

The time to take action is now.  

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), over 30 percent of the world’s population cannot access essential healthcare services. Furthermore, the situation will only worsen when (as WHO estimates) by 2030, the global decrease of healthcare professionals will reach 18 million unfulfilled positions. The answer may lie in technology, more specifically, in developing medical solutions that will shift some of the diagnostic work from professionals to patients. 

So, when TBD Media Group launched its Global Health campaign featuring documentaries from all over the world with the main theme being “Health for all,” it was looking for not just the voice of technological innovation but of equality and inclusivity too. The company found that voice in Untitled Kingdom – a Polish HealthTech product and software development company.

Untitled Kingdom works with patient-driven companies to develop medical solutions that reflect the vision of where technology is supporting care delivery and access. Their documentary speaks on the importance and impact of remote patient solutions. These solutions refer to technology that patients can use at home to perform self-testing, self-examination, and health status surveillance. 

This is alongside the use of devices that improve access to health screenings or diagnosis and therefore help achieve healthcare’s primary goal, disease prevention. Untitled Kingdom is one of the top HealthTech companies co-developing remote patient monitoring software and technology.

Technology facilitates equal opportunities and enables us to be whoever we want to be”

Piotr Zajac, CEO of Untitled Kingdom

“Equality starts with technology,” says Piotr Zajac, CEO of Untitled Kingdom. “And to me, it means that regardless of your geography, socio-economic background, sexual identity, or financial status. Technology facilitates equal opportunities and enables us to be whoever we want to be. In the case of HealthTech, it provides access to reliable care.” 
Untitled Kingdom has proved itself a successful HealthTech and MedTech organisation by creating relatable solutions across the healthcare industry, including Eargo and Elvie Pump. This is in addition to more than 75 released digital products for the healthcare sector and medical educational programs for developers, designers, and quality testers. This company is a unique place where tech experts become MedTech specialists – bridging the world of medicine and technology. 

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Ed Budds is an in-house writer for Healthcare Outlook Magazine, where he is responsible for interviewing corporate executives and crafting original features for the magazine, corporate brochures, and the digital platform.